Advanced Diploma of Fashion, Theatre & Media Make Up
Duration : 144 hours
Time : Afternoon 02:30pm – 05:30pm (Monday to Friday)
Tuition & Accessories : $24,800
Examination Requirements:
International Make Up Artist Diploma:
Student must finish this course and the above-mentioned Part I assignment (+another 7 Make Up Case Study) before sitting in ITEC Fashion, Theatre and Media Makeup Diploma Examination
【Course Content】
A) Anatomy & Physiology
- Bones of Head
- Common Skin Cancers
- Facial Muscle
- Skin Blemish and Disorder
B) High Fashion Makeup
- Demonstration of Nude Makeup and practical
- Demonstration of Fashion Makeup and practical
C) Media Makeup
- Demonstration of Traditional Indian Makeup and practical
- Demonstration of Drug abuser (Pinch hole & Bruise ) Makeup and practical
- Demonstration of Sex Changing Female to male Makeup and practical
- Demonstration of Sex Changing Male to Female Makeup and practical
- Demonstration of Vagrant (Scar) Make up and practical
- Demonstration of TV Male Makeup and practical
D) Era Makeup
- Demonstration of Tong Dynasty Makeup and practical
- Demonstration of Ancient Egyptian Makeup and practical
- Demonstration of The 1920’s Makeup and practical
- Demonstration of The 1950’s Make up and practical
- Demonstration of The 1970’s Makeup and practical
- Demonstration of 18th Century Makeup and practical
E) Theatrical Makeup
- Demonstration of Fairy Tale Makeup and practical
- Demonstration of Ballet Makeup and practical
- Demonstration of Aging Makeup and practical
- Demonstration of Peking Opera Make up and practical
- Demonstration of Witch(False nose or Chin) Makeup and practical
- Demonstration of Clown Makeup and practical
F) Face/Body painting Makeup
- Demonstration of Face & Body painting (Fantasy Make up) and practical
- Demonstration of Animal Makeup and practical
G) Special Effects Makeup
- Introduction of Make up for Children, African and Caucasian
- Demonstration of Eyebrow blocking and practical
- Demonstration of 3rd Degree Burn Make up and practical
- Demonstration of Bullet wound Makeup and practical
- Demonstration of Bald Cap and practical
- Demonstration of Cut wound Makeup and practical
H) Makeup Design & Portfolio
- Recognize Face Shape & Record Card
- Makeup Design
- Makeup Plan
- Makeup and Costing
- Matching for Face Shape & Hairstyling
- Makeup Portfolio
I) Introduction to the Make Up Industry
- Business Study and Interview skills
【Information Enquiry】
Address: 4/F, Grand Right Centre, 10 Cameron Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Tel: (852) 2739 – 8833
Fax: (852) 2735 –7707
Facebook: CMM Monica Academy