PBC004 个人护肤证书课程
Self Skin Care Certificate Course
总课时(Duration) :课程6小时(hrs.)
学费(Course Fee) :HK$1000
上课时间(Time) :10:00am – 1:00pm 或(or) 2:30pm – 5:30pm
A) 正确洁面方法(Cleansing method)
- 洁面所需用品(Cleansing products)
- 正确的洁面步骤(Cleansing procedure)
B) 自我皮肤分析(Skin diagnosis by own)
C) 护理品的认识、选择与运用(Acknowledge, Selection & Usage of Skin Care Products)
- 不同护肤品的特点、功效和使用方法(The function & usage of different kind of skin care products)
- 如何正确选择适合自己的护肤品(How to select the skin care products for own use)
- 如何利用护肤品自行护理保养(How to use the skin care product for own use)
D) 个人面部按摩技术(Facial massage by own)
- 面部按摩的步骤、手势及力度(Procedure & movement of facial massage)
- 自行按摩手法(The method of self facial massage)
E) 如何护理及治疗问题皮肤(How to treat the problem skin)
- 问题皮肤的分类及征状(Classification of the problem skin)
- 问题皮肤家庭护理要点(Home care for the problem skin)
电话/传真:2739 8833/ 2735 7707
Facebook:CMM Monica Academy / Instagram:cmm_monita_academy_official